No. Not that kind of Eagleness.
But I must admit, Nacho has some pretty flippen sweet Eagle Powers.
But, alas, I am talking about my Eagleness. My eagle project.
For my project I did a Hygiene Drive for the Food and Care Coalition of Provo.
It was quite long. On March 24 to be exact.
I started this project with a meeting with Nancy Willes at the Food and Care.
And I will end it with another meeting at the Food and Care Coalition... Hopefully in the next few weeks.
Yes. Eagle, you have been quite the experience. Not being able to get my Learner's permit... Restricting me from getting a job... Banning me from serving my community....
Stuff like that.
I am sad that your leaving.....
Yes. I do too love sarcasm.
I am glad to get this out of my way.
Now I can put this on my job resume
(No, I didn't mean that to rhyme)
Well. You are almost done. All is left to do is spend the cash that I got/am going to get.
I may enjoy doing that.
To the three people who read my blog, remember.
It's not too late to donate.
The end.
I'm going to get you a red cape to wear to your eagle court of honor.