I am regretting this.
So. Stinking. Much.
Today, I was planning, on going to the Stake Dance.
I have been waiting for this dance for soooo long.
(Well. Since after the Halloween Dance.)
I was planning on going.
I have no phone, so I wouldn't be able to tell my mom/dad where I was, and when I was planning to be home.
I have no ride. And it is about..... single digits outside.
I really feel bad about this.
So. Everyone tell me how fun this dance was.
I would like to know.
Was Del Taco amazing?
How was the DJ.
I will be sitting here.
Spending quality time.... With nobody...
(No, really, tell me how the dance was, those who went.)
Love. Spencer.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
This book is crazy. Crazy awesome.
Noah Shumway informed me of this book.
He recieved this from his Father.
This book is called. "Dating for Under a Dollar. ~301 Ideas~"
I will now list... All 301 ideas. All of them.
Chapter One: Activities for Large Group Dates.
Animal Farm
Animal Mix up
Balloon Blasting
Blindfolded Fire Bridge
Body Roll Racing
Capture the Flag
Circle Squishing
Do You Love Your Neighbor?
Elbow Tag
Fruit Basket
Furniture Maze
Giant Twistin'
Ha-Ha. (Creative name alert)
Human Cookie Machine
Human Knot
I Love You Honey, But I Just Can't Smile
Jungle Volleyball
Kick the Can
Kissign Buffalo
Kissing Rugby
Lifesaver Pass
Murder in the Dark
Ring on a String
Shoe Scaramble
Three-Legged Soccer
Train Tag
White Elephant Party
Who Am I?
Chapter Two: Group Dates (I really don't know how this is different from the first chapter... But, whatever.)
Advertisings Agents
Alphabet Road Rally
Ancestrial Potluck Dinner
Barter for Bigger or Better
Beach Art
Bridge Building
Broom Ice-Hockey
Campfire Stories
Candy Treasure Hunt
Cardboard Car Drive-In
Coded Dinner
Come As You Are Date
Couple's Contest
Cultural Progressive Dinner
Dictionary Date
Disney Night
Double Date with Parents (I don't like where this one is going.....)
Downtown Foot Rally
Drive-In Movie
Egg Racing
Fashion Show
Field Trip
Find Your Picnic
Finger Pain Pictionary
Frisbee Football/Rugby
Garage Semi-Formal
Hamburger Hunt
Hide and Seek in the Dark
Hide and Spy (Oohhh. Sounds Stalkerish)
Homemade Movies
Hot Seats
Human Bowling (Dressing up as elves is perfectly acceptable)
Inner-Tube River Race
It Happened to Me *Gasp*
Knock and Run
Lady Luck and a Chocolate Bar
Library Scavenger Hunt
Line Dancing
Moonlight Volleyball
Mud Football
Museume Hunt
Music Videos
Object Scaventger Hunt
Old Doll Overhaul
Out-of-Season Party
Pancake Party
Perfect Pizza Party
Pig Dinner
Piñata party
Puzzle Party
Quarters Maze
Radio Road Dance
Rainbow War
Record Setting
San Francisco Supper
Scribble Interpreting
Scripture Treasure Hunt
Service Project Scaventer Hunt
Silver Platter Pizza
Slap Cards
Snipe Hunting
Snow Family
Snow Football
Snow Sculpturing Contest
Snow Tag
Sound Scaventer Hunt
Spider Maze
Sprinkler Kick Ball
Story Telling
Supermarket Sweet
(If you guys haven't noticed....
I haven't been blogging everyday.
But I am suppeost to.
So I have to make up very long blog posts...
So that I get full credit.
I am amazed if you have made it this far.
I am proud of you)
Surprise Slide Show
Synchronized Spaghetti Sucking
Table Sundae
Timed Lego Building
Treasure Hunt
Un-Birthday Party
Video Scavenger Hunt
Water Balloon Volleyball
Water Trough Softball
Water Volleyball
Water War
Watermelon Bam-Ball
Who's Who? (If you are on a date... I would hope you knew before it.)
Chapter Three: Single or Group Dates. Wait a minute... group dates? Again?
Around the World
Art Appraising
Backwards Date
Bottling Fruit
Build a Tree House
Catered Picnic in a Cave
Children's Book
Coloring Contest
Compass Hike
Costumes Competition
Current Events Quiz (I do not recommend this idea. It makes me think of Mr. James's class.)
Dance Lessons
Department Store Movie
Deserted Island Dinner
Entrepreneur Night
Environmental Date
Evening with the Elderly
Exploring the Old Frontier
Family Cabin Date
Farm Date
Feed teh Birds
Fiddler on the Roof
Football Cookies and Football Games
Foreign Flight Night
Free Concert
Free Movie
Frisbee Golf
Help the Homeless
Hobo Dinner
Homemade Ice Cream
Ice Blocking
Joke Book
Leftover Delight
Liquid Only Date
Magic Show
Make and Fly Kites
Mall Picnic
Marriage Preparation Date
Marshmellow Fireside
Mechanic Night
Mini-Dinner Date
Modern Fairy Tales
Movie in the Woods
Munch Lunchy
Mystery Camp-out
Name the Tune
Newspaper Logging
Old-Fashioned Fishing
Old Swimmin' Hole
Reverse Tie-Dyeing
I am so surpirsed you have made it this far.
You are my hero for reading this much.
Sand Castles and Sea Shells
Sesame Street Surprise
Silent Night
Snow Gold
Snow Shoveling
Sock Puppets
Special Olympic Date
Squirt Art
Star Search
Straw Creations
Tin Foil Dinners
Toilet Paper Date
Underwater Golf
Urban Camp-out
Wash Your Cars
White Date (Raciest Alert? I think yes)
Winter Drive-In Movie
Winter Picnic
Would You Like a Penny?
Chapter Four: Single Dates
Amatuer Aritsts
Verries and Syrup
Bicycling Tour
Bird Watching
Birthday History
Card House Constructing
Catching Butterflys (My personal favorite)
Celebrity Spotting
Cherrios at Sunrise (Noah's personal favorite)
Childhood Revisited
Cloud Breaking
Compose Music
Computer Games
Coupon Date
Driftwood Carving
Fifty Wishes
Genealogy (Umm..... Boring?)
Grocery Shopping
House Shopping
Impress the Parents Dates (I would think that is what you are trying to do.... right? Make a good impression?)
Journal Reading
Mad Potery
Nature Walk
Night Crawler Hunting
Patchwork Project
Pet Store
Pickup Picnic
Picture Show
Plant a Garden
Price is Right
Quilt Trying
Rainy Day Fun Day
Ramen Noodle Cuisine
Reception Crashing
Rock Hunting
Roller Blading
Romantic Reading (When I read this, I thought of Lonny off of Gentleman's Bronco when he goes like... "oooohhhhh. oooohhhhhhhh." While on the bus)
Sew Crazy
Tent City
This Is Your Life
Toy Sotre Date
Trampoline and Whipped Cream
Visit to a Friendly Stranger's house. (Note: make sure he is not eating his beard when you arrive.)
Who Donnit?
Wilderness Scarbble
Wildflower Bouquets
Yard Sale Date
Holiday Dates:
Christmas Caroling
Christmas Tree Cutting
Christmas Tree Decorating
Christmas Wreath Making (These activites will not work if you date is Jewish. Make sure before.)
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Eggheads
Fourth of July Fireworks
Halloween Blind Date
Halloween Spook Alley
halloween Spooking
Halloween Treating
Happy Holidays
Natural Easter Egg Dyeing
Pumpkin Painting
Saint Patrick's Day Date
Santa's Elves
Trick-or-Treating (I wonder what Holiday you do this on.)
Valentines to Eat.
So, for those of you who make it to the bottom of the list.
You just read 301 date ideas. Some of them good.
Some of them.... Well..... Not so....
What do you think about some of these ideas?
From. Spencer.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The day after Christmas
After listening to the Mormon Tabernical, I have decided.
I want to be in their orchestra.
Playing my cello of course.
But, I will have to wait a few years to be able to do that.
This is the start of the second week of Christmas Break, 2010-11.
This is the last week that you can say it is Two Thousand and Ten.
This has been the best Christmas break ever.
I have not done any homework.
This is the last Sunday that I will go to church at 1 for three whole years.
I am very exicted for that.
Church at 1 is lame.
You have to fast for like... The whole day....
Chruch at nine on the other hand... You just have to fast throughout breakfast.
Christmas yesterday was amazing.
I got hot sauce. Six of them to be exact.
It is the best hot sauce you can get.
Mango Passion fruit flavor.
This hot sauce clames to be.... "Excellent in grilling marinades & glazes and as a splashing & dipping sauce. Great on chicken, pork, shirmp, Pancakes, French Toast, Waffles, & Ice Cream." Hot sauce on ice cream? Sounds amazing. They also taste amazing on Del Taco Taco's. Just to let you know...
I got a new set of badly needed Scriptures.
They have my name on them and everything.
I have had my old pair since my bapthism.
I got a new Taylor Swift Calendar.
It looks pretty amazing.
Then Santa...
He is the man.
He always pulls through.

( For the people that read my blog, this belt buckle was made famous my Special Agent Seeley Booth.
For those of you who don't know who he is.... Stop reading this right now and watch Bones. )
It is the cocky belt buckle.
The most amazing thing. Ever.
So, Santa, if you are reading this...
I. Love. You.
I want to be in their orchestra.
Playing my cello of course.
But, I will have to wait a few years to be able to do that.
This is the start of the second week of Christmas Break, 2010-11.
This is the last week that you can say it is Two Thousand and Ten.
This has been the best Christmas break ever.
I have not done any homework.
This is the last Sunday that I will go to church at 1 for three whole years.
I am very exicted for that.
Church at 1 is lame.
You have to fast for like... The whole day....
Chruch at nine on the other hand... You just have to fast throughout breakfast.
Christmas yesterday was amazing.
I got hot sauce. Six of them to be exact.
It is the best hot sauce you can get.
Mango Passion fruit flavor.
This hot sauce clames to be.... "Excellent in grilling marinades & glazes and as a splashing & dipping sauce. Great on chicken, pork, shirmp, Pancakes, French Toast, Waffles, & Ice Cream." Hot sauce on ice cream? Sounds amazing. They also taste amazing on Del Taco Taco's. Just to let you know...
I got a new set of badly needed Scriptures.
They have my name on them and everything.
I have had my old pair since my bapthism.
I got a new Taylor Swift Calendar.
It looks pretty amazing.
Then Santa...
He is the man.
He always pulls through.

( For the people that read my blog, this belt buckle was made famous my Special Agent Seeley Booth.
For those of you who don't know who he is.... Stop reading this right now and watch Bones. )
It is the cocky belt buckle.
The most amazing thing. Ever.
So, Santa, if you are reading this...
I. Love. You.
Friday, December 24, 2010
I hate some of my dreams...
Last night, I had a dream.
I have this dream about three times a year
And what happenes in it is people that I have seen that day...
They say my name.
Over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.
I hate it.
Waste of a dream.
Why can't I be normal and dream about sugar plums or santa? But no.
It is random people, saying my name...
Over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again...
I have this dream about three times a year
And what happenes in it is people that I have seen that day...
They say my name.
Over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.
I hate it.
Waste of a dream.
Why can't I be normal and dream about sugar plums or santa? But no.
It is random people, saying my name...
Over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
So, early yesterday, I think yesterday, the Prove Tabernacle caught fire.
It is pretty sad.
As they were fighting the fire, they knew that pretty much everything in there is a compleate loss.
Millions of dollars of equiptment for the Christmas Program that was going to be held their that night was lost.
When firefighters were cleared to enter the building, they were surrounded by burnt everything, paintings, wood, pretty much all of it is was a total loss.
But, on thing they found, was this.
As you see in this picture, they found a painting of Christ's Second Coming.
All around it is burnt.
Except for Christ.
How amazing is that?
It is pretty sad.
As they were fighting the fire, they knew that pretty much everything in there is a compleate loss.
Millions of dollars of equiptment for the Christmas Program that was going to be held their that night was lost.
When firefighters were cleared to enter the building, they were surrounded by burnt everything, paintings, wood, pretty much all of it is was a total loss.
But, on thing they found, was this.
As you see in this picture, they found a painting of Christ's Second Coming.
All around it is burnt.
Except for Christ.
How amazing is that?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Best day of the year?
Dear Taylor Swift.
Hi, my name is Spencer Merryweather. I would like to say that I am your biggest male fan. Don't listen to your other fans that say their your biggest fan. Because I am.
I would like to wish you a very happy birthday.
You are now 21 years old.
That's only a six year difference between you and me.
I wish it would work out, but I don't know if that will happen.
I would just like to tell you happy birthday.... again.
Love. Spencer Merryweather.
Hi, my name is Spencer Merryweather. I would like to say that I am your biggest male fan. Don't listen to your other fans that say their your biggest fan. Because I am.
I would like to wish you a very happy birthday.
You are now 21 years old.
That's only a six year difference between you and me.
I wish it would work out, but I don't know if that will happen.
I would just like to tell you happy birthday.... again.
Love. Spencer Merryweather.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
My hero. Whoever it is...
Some nice people took my last status post into consideration.
I said, "hey, why don't I have a fan club." or cometing to that extent.
And when I did my nice midnight facebook check. I found this.
I was overjoyed. I was thinking... Whoever made this.... They are now quite high in my rankings. But I am still wondering....
I couldn't crack this dang mystery. (I've always wanted to be a detective. But not this kind, maybe the kind Booth is. Finding who killed people. That would be awesome. Flippen awesome.)
Then, I get a random friend request. It was a 'man' by the name of Taylor Pilgrim.
Before I looked at him information, I told myself, 'Dang, I would LOVE to have that name. It's like a mix of Taylor Swift and Scott Pilgrim. Then, I would change my middle name to Julian or something.'
When I looked at who it was. I got this informantion.
By this point of time, if I had cancer, it would be cured 10 fold I laughed so hard.
This made my day.
So, my blog post is almost done.
I know most of you out there, probably all of you, think I made this myself.
But, I didn't.
You probably will still think that I did it.
But, ya, whatever.
(I didn't do it.... For reals... Am I really that creative enough to pull this off?)
I said, "hey, why don't I have a fan club." or cometing to that extent.
And when I did my nice midnight facebook check. I found this.
I was overjoyed. I was thinking... Whoever made this.... They are now quite high in my rankings. But I am still wondering....
I couldn't crack this dang mystery. (I've always wanted to be a detective. But not this kind, maybe the kind Booth is. Finding who killed people. That would be awesome. Flippen awesome.)
Then, I get a random friend request. It was a 'man' by the name of Taylor Pilgrim.
Before I looked at him information, I told myself, 'Dang, I would LOVE to have that name. It's like a mix of Taylor Swift and Scott Pilgrim. Then, I would change my middle name to Julian or something.'
When I looked at who it was. I got this informantion.
By this point of time, if I had cancer, it would be cured 10 fold I laughed so hard.
This made my day.
So, my blog post is almost done.
I know most of you out there, probably all of you, think I made this myself.
But, I didn't.
You probably will still think that I did it.
But, ya, whatever.
(I didn't do it.... For reals... Am I really that creative enough to pull this off?)
Friday, December 10, 2010
And the Taco prevails.
Today in woodshop, I wasn't able to work on my project.
I just finished making my wonderful napkin holder/salt and pepper holder work of art...
(Ok. Maybe I exaggerated on 'work of art'. It's is pretty ugly....)
And I forgot to pay for my next project.
So, I got to sit in the classroom and work on my math homework.
While I was in there, These two kids got into a little fight....
Guess what it was all about.
Some kid was just about to leave to go and work in the woodshop. He told his group of friends that they could eat the rest of his chips that he had. (You can't eat food in the woodshop. Duh)
((And there were only about 4 chips left. And they wern't salt and vinegar chips. So, they wern't worth fighting over.))
One kid, that goes by the name of Albert, grabbed the chips and started to eat them. (Albert belongs to the Mexican part of the world.)
One of the other kids, with the name of Alex, wanted some chips.
But, Albert would not share.
They tussled.
There was shoving, pushing, and very rude words exchanged.
Then, they said, 'let's take this outside.'
When they returned, they both took a shot to the face. But Albert clearly hit harder.
That is when someone that was watching broke it up.
I was sitting in the classroom wondering who would have won if they would have kept fighting...
I was thinking it would go down just like this.
(You are going to have to click me)
I just finished making my wonderful napkin holder/salt and pepper holder work of art...
(Ok. Maybe I exaggerated on 'work of art'. It's is pretty ugly....)
And I forgot to pay for my next project.
So, I got to sit in the classroom and work on my math homework.
While I was in there, These two kids got into a little fight....
Guess what it was all about.
Some kid was just about to leave to go and work in the woodshop. He told his group of friends that they could eat the rest of his chips that he had. (You can't eat food in the woodshop. Duh)
((And there were only about 4 chips left. And they wern't salt and vinegar chips. So, they wern't worth fighting over.))
One kid, that goes by the name of Albert, grabbed the chips and started to eat them. (Albert belongs to the Mexican part of the world.)
One of the other kids, with the name of Alex, wanted some chips.
But, Albert would not share.
They tussled.
There was shoving, pushing, and very rude words exchanged.
Then, they said, 'let's take this outside.'
When they returned, they both took a shot to the face. But Albert clearly hit harder.
That is when someone that was watching broke it up.
I was sitting in the classroom wondering who would have won if they would have kept fighting...
I was thinking it would go down just like this.
(You are going to have to click me)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Orchestra is the bomb.
Just to let you know.
Orchestra is pretty awesome.
We had our christmas concert today. It was combined with the band. Like every year.
Mr. Beck is pretty much the most unique person I have ever met.
You will never meet anyone like him.
He is funny. (Well. He tells jokes.) ((Some of them can be quite lame)) (((But we still love him)))
Anyways. Our class learned our songs very fast. So, he decided to have us memorize it.
And we would performe it memorized.
And choreographed.
When we heard this we thought..... Haha, Good one. That isn't possiable. We can't dance with our cellos silly.
Well. We were stood corrected.
For all that went, you witnessed it.
We danced.
At one time, we slow danced with our cellos. Most comical thing ever.
When we started to do it, everyone laughed.
It was just the best.
Orchestra did good.
Besides the fact that you mess up a lot when you play songs memorized.
And you mess up even more when you don't have the songs.
Everyone did great.
As far as I heard.
After I was done performing, I went to our special needs mutual.
They said, I think, the best closing prayer I have ever heard.
Today was a very good night.
Can I have more of these?
And, just survive a week more and a day.
Then, you will be free from schooling until next year.
Orchestra is pretty awesome.
We had our christmas concert today. It was combined with the band. Like every year.
Mr. Beck is pretty much the most unique person I have ever met.
You will never meet anyone like him.
He is funny. (Well. He tells jokes.) ((Some of them can be quite lame)) (((But we still love him)))
Anyways. Our class learned our songs very fast. So, he decided to have us memorize it.
And we would performe it memorized.
And choreographed.
When we heard this we thought..... Haha, Good one. That isn't possiable. We can't dance with our cellos silly.
Well. We were stood corrected.
For all that went, you witnessed it.
We danced.
At one time, we slow danced with our cellos. Most comical thing ever.
When we started to do it, everyone laughed.
It was just the best.
Orchestra did good.
Besides the fact that you mess up a lot when you play songs memorized.
And you mess up even more when you don't have the songs.
Everyone did great.
As far as I heard.
After I was done performing, I went to our special needs mutual.
They said, I think, the best closing prayer I have ever heard.
Today was a very good night.
Can I have more of these?
And, just survive a week more and a day.
Then, you will be free from schooling until next year.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tisk Tisk.
I can't believe he would do such a thing. That darn Julian Smith. It took him two years to come up with it.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
What's on your list?
Christmas is coming up. (in case you haven't noticed.)
My list consists of:
Salt and Vinegar Chips. Best type of chips in the world.
New headphones. My other ones got...... misplaced......
I would enjoy a new set of scriptures. I am getting tired of taking them to school, then bringing them home. Sometimes...... I'm lazy.
http://www.districtlines.com/juliansmithtv/T-Shirts/Reading-Lips I'm pretty sure everyone wants one of these.
And last on my list. Is this. (for those of you who do not watch bones..... I am sorry for your loss. But you would know why I wanted this. Booth, is total awesome.)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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