I want to be in their orchestra.
Playing my cello of course.
But, I will have to wait a few years to be able to do that.
This is the start of the second week of Christmas Break, 2010-11.
This is the last week that you can say it is Two Thousand and Ten.
This has been the best Christmas break ever.
I have not done any homework.
This is the last Sunday that I will go to church at 1 for three whole years.
I am very exicted for that.
Church at 1 is lame.
You have to fast for like... The whole day....
Chruch at nine on the other hand... You just have to fast throughout breakfast.
Christmas yesterday was amazing.
I got hot sauce. Six of them to be exact.
It is the best hot sauce you can get.
Mango Passion fruit flavor.
This hot sauce clames to be.... "Excellent in grilling marinades & glazes and as a splashing & dipping sauce. Great on chicken, pork, shirmp, Pancakes, French Toast, Waffles, & Ice Cream." Hot sauce on ice cream? Sounds amazing. They also taste amazing on Del Taco Taco's. Just to let you know...
I got a new set of badly needed Scriptures.
They have my name on them and everything.
I have had my old pair since my bapthism.
I got a new Taylor Swift Calendar.
It looks pretty amazing.
Then Santa...
He is the man.
He always pulls through.

( For the people that read my blog, this belt buckle was made famous my Special Agent Seeley Booth.
For those of you who don't know who he is.... Stop reading this right now and watch Bones. )
It is the cocky belt buckle.
The most amazing thing. Ever.
So, Santa, if you are reading this...
I. Love. You.
Yessss. You can be in the Orchestra...I will be in the Choir. We will be Temple Square buddies!