What do these two dashing men have in common?
Well. We both are really, really, really good looking, and that they both like to only half dress. Cameron doesn't like shirts.
I don't like shirts.
Cameron sometimes doesn't like to wear pants.
I sometimes don't like to wear pants.
It's like we are brothers or something.
Something else we have in common is... We both sleepwalk. When I sleepwalk. I walk around my house, and when anyone askes me if I am sleepwalking, I yell at them, "NO. I AM NOT ASLEEP." (And sometimes, on very rare occations, I accidentally swear in my sleep.) And I wake up the next day, asleep in my bed, and I go upstairs and Sidney shows me a video of me sleepwalking and she laughs. I demand her to delete it. Becuase if that were to go viral.... I would not be pleased.
Cameron on the other hand... He does something much different. But equally as amusing. So, here is the story.
Last night, me and mother are sitting at the kitchen table watching Heros. It is a good show so far. But, anyways, we are sitting there. She is decorating her hundreds and hundreds of cookies when Cameron walks into the room. He stands by the garbage can for a few seconds. Then, in the blink of an eye, rips off the lid, pulls his pants down, and is about to urinate in the trash can. My mom runs towards him and tells him that he can't go peepee in there. So, he causally walks, with his pants half way down, opens the pantry, and starts to pee in there. I am a few feet away roflawling. My mom picks him up and carries him to the potty to finish with.... what he was doing.
This was the most funny thing of my life. He has done this other times, but this was the first time I have witnessed it.
So. We sleepwalk. I say stuff in my sleep. He pees in his sleep. We make a good duo.
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