Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It is all over.

Thrid term has left us.
It is the shortest term of the year.
But totally doesn't feel like that.
There are only a few days we have off of school.
And all the teachers do their huge tests or projects.
Like English we had our research reports.
I did the salem witch trials.
It was so awesome to learn about it.
It was the coolest.
Learning about the people who died...
And got pressed to death with rocks.
So "ill"
(I am starting to refuse saying sick. It is overused.)
We had our scales in orchestra, and our solos.
And we have regions in a month.
We are no where near ready.
According to Mr. Beck...
Here is suck                                      Here is us

------------------                                   ---------------------
Suck line^                                       Suck line^

                                                        =============  Thats us.  We are worse than suck.

He was nice enough to tell us stright up.  He is such a great teacher.
(Right after he told us we were worse than suck... he had us play again... we were the best we have ever sounded.  His teaching works.)
In Drivers Ed, we had our articles due.
Biology we are overloading for the AP test.  I'm just so excited for that.
Math is just hard all the time.
We had our scripture mastery test in Seminary. I got 54/54.  I am just so awesome.
Woods, well, we never do anything in woods.
For the past few days I have been playing hackey sack outside.
I am pro.
I made my longboard. It is sick, I mean ill.  Yes.  ill.
Business math is just so darn boring.
We finish about 30 minutes before the bell rings every time.
So, I just play tetris friends after.
It is the coolest game ever.
It is competitive tetris.  Against people.  Very fun. So very fun.
So.  Ya. I'm so happy third term is over.  I have enjoyed it very very much... NOT.
Fourth term... I wait your loving embrace.
It started with a minimal day.
That's a good sign that it  will be awesome.

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