(I know... I should have done this yesterday. But I was napping from all the food that I ate. Sleeping off the calories.)
I am thankful for...
Parents who feed me. Both are amazing cooks. How much more amazing could that be?
Modern Technology
A good school
Great teachers
My job. I mean really, now many people can say that they run a space ship?
Taylor Swift...
Piano (I am teaching myself how to play it. I am excited to
Just music in general. My life would not be the same without music
Day9. He makes my day happy
Starcraft II and League of Legends. I'm such a nerd.
Evil Genius, mainly Huk and IdrA and foreigner in general
Emilee Keele. I miss her
My family. They are great I love them
Jill Debuck is included in my family. She is like a sister to me
Harry Potter. Life would not be the same without him.
My mullet. I <3 my mullet. Most girls don't. But oh well.
My friends
Those lucky days when I have less acne than normal
My religion. I like being in the true one.
Super Smash Brothers. I pwn at that game
And much MUCH more.
Thank you everyone that has helped me. I love you all
Haahaha. Your mullet. (:
I miss you too. A ton. (: