Saturday, November 6, 2010

Daylight Savings and Many Much Other Stuff

First off.
Merry Christmas.
In a month and then in 3/4th of a month.
Usually I am Oober excited for Daylight Savings in the Fall.
I don't like it in the Spring.
But this year.
This year is different.
Fast Sunday, Mixed with church at 1:00, And the clocks set back an hour means that we get to pretty much not eat for an extra hour.
My English 10 Honors class, yes, honors.
I am such a good student.
For that class, we have to write in what we call, A Writers Notebook.
I can never write in journals.
I always try, and always fail.
I stay on it for about a week.
Then maybe skip a day...
Then say, "I will do it tomorrow."
And then, It is never heard of ever again.
I asked her if in the stead of writing in a notebook, if my blog would count.
She said yes.
So, everyone say hi to Mrs. Gallagher.
She will be reading my blog on and off.

I am enjoying my new CD.
It is quite nifty.
I like it.

This Wednesday.
My dang Eagle will be finished.
Three cheers for my eagle being done.
My unofficial "Done with my eagle party" will be at Thanksgiving Point.
At Midnight.
On the 19th.
At the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, PART ONE
That will be my party.
I have decided.
This eagle has prevented me from many things.
Getting a chance at money income.
Getting my permit.
(When you go to get your permit, be sure go bring a full size birth certificate.)
I do feel pretty darn bad for you Olivia.

For orchestra "tour", we are going to Denver, Colorado.
I am so excited.
We are touring a beer factory.
We get to see how Coors is made.
The only thing is...
Why does band and choir get to go to Disneyland.
Last year, band went to Disneyland....
Orchestra went to Salt Lake City....
But still.
Get what you get, don't throw a fit.
Tour will be awesome.
The only problem is...
How in the craps will I come up with 500 bucks when I have no job/money income?
I will figure that out later.

I babysat yesterday.
This was the first time in a very long time.
I got there.
Their mom warned me.
"My girls have a big crush on you."
I did my "good joke, haha" laugh.
They left.
She was telling me the truth...
The girls wanted me to play barbies with them.
I... decided to play wii with the male in the house.
His name is Dason.
He is pretty cool.
It comes at around 9:00 and the kids have their bed time.
I read them a story....
A few stories to be exact....
About five.
They went to bed.
They gave me permission to watch the television when the kiddos fell asleep.
They have a.... about.... maybe 62 inch T.V.
It was huge.
I was enjoying it.
They also have the food network.
Double enjoyable...ment...
Food always looks better when it is about 10 times it's original size.
They said they would be home around 11:30
They got home at about 10.
So, they paid me.
I went home.
I looked at how much they paid me.
They must had made a mistake.
They paid me 45 dollars.
I babysat for about 2 hours.
And an hour of that the kids were in bed.
So, looking back...
I got paid 45 dollars for, playing wii, reading some stories, and watching people cook really good food.
Easy money?
I must say yes.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World comes out this Wednesday.
I will have to spend some of my Denver money to go and get that movie.
I am going to get the cool combo pack that comes with the DVD, Blue ray, and a Digital Copy.
That will probably be a big blow to the money so far earned.
Worth it?
Oh baby yes.
I think of it as, "It will keep me entertained on the bus ride to Denver."
So, it is helping me get to Denver...
That is how I will think of it.

I would just like to say, my thoughts and prayers are with the Johnson Family.
Blake Johnson, a student of PGHS, passed away on Wednesday night.
Pray for his family and friends.
No one should die that young.
No one.

This is my blog post.


  1. Dang. who do you babysit for?!

    and they even got back early. one time when I was babysitting, they said they would be back at 10.30 and they didn't even come back until 12.40.
    it was scary.

    this post pleases me. I am so happy that my forcing you to make a blog is getting you english credit.

    oh and p.s. I think the rest of the ward and me are going to your unofficial party. just so you know.

  2. um. hey.
    guess what?

    arizona. does not.
