Today, I finished counting the rest of my eagle stuff.
I am officially ready to give it to the Food and Care Coalition.
I will be in need for some help.
I have to bring it to the place, put it away, then, I am done.
Send in my paperwork and I am done with my eagle.
I will probably rejoice in song and prayer like they do in the Book of Mormon.
So, I am pretty sure you don't want to miss that.
Tonight is combined mutual.
Best mutuals are combined.
Like ice skating.
And dodgeball.
I am quite excited for tonight.
I am disliking school right now.
There is too much school work.
And I mean really.
When am I ever going to graph a rational number in my life.
That is why they invented graphing calculators.
For reals Larson.
Don't make us suffer.
Let us use calculators.
Did I tell you tonight is Combined Mutual.
Just thought I would let you know.
Oh, Spencer. I should remind you:
ReplyDeleteTonight is combined mutual.
don't get excited.