Friday, November 25, 2011


On this black friday, I will blog about what I am thankful for.
(I know... I should have done this yesterday. But I was napping from all the food that I ate. Sleeping off the calories.)

I am thankful for...
Parents who feed me. Both are amazing cooks. How much more amazing could that be?
Modern Technology
A good school
Great teachers
My job.  I mean really, now many people can say that they run a space ship?
Taylor Swift...
Piano  (I am teaching myself how to play it. I am excited to learn relearn)
Just music in general. My life would not be the same without music
Day9.  He makes my day happy
Starcraft II and League of Legends.  I'm such a nerd.
Evil Genius, mainly Huk and IdrA and foreigner in general
Emilee Keele.  I miss her
My family.  They are great I love them
Jill Debuck is included in my family.  She is like a sister to me
Harry Potter.  Life would not be the same without him.
My mullet. I <3 my mullet.  Most girls don't.  But oh well.
My friends
Those lucky days when I have less acne than normal
My religion.  I like being in the true one.
Super Smash Brothers.  I pwn at that game
And much MUCH more.
Thank you everyone that has helped me. I love you all

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