Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It is all over.

Thrid term has left us.
It is the shortest term of the year.
But totally doesn't feel like that.
There are only a few days we have off of school.
And all the teachers do their huge tests or projects.
Like English we had our research reports.
I did the salem witch trials.
It was so awesome to learn about it.
It was the coolest.
Learning about the people who died...
And got pressed to death with rocks.
So "ill"
(I am starting to refuse saying sick. It is overused.)
We had our scales in orchestra, and our solos.
And we have regions in a month.
We are no where near ready.
According to Mr. Beck...
Here is suck                                      Here is us

------------------                                   ---------------------
Suck line^                                       Suck line^

                                                        =============  Thats us.  We are worse than suck.

He was nice enough to tell us stright up.  He is such a great teacher.
(Right after he told us we were worse than suck... he had us play again... we were the best we have ever sounded.  His teaching works.)
In Drivers Ed, we had our articles due.
Biology we are overloading for the AP test.  I'm just so excited for that.
Math is just hard all the time.
We had our scripture mastery test in Seminary. I got 54/54.  I am just so awesome.
Woods, well, we never do anything in woods.
For the past few days I have been playing hackey sack outside.
I am pro.
I made my longboard. It is sick, I mean ill.  Yes.  ill.
Business math is just so darn boring.
We finish about 30 minutes before the bell rings every time.
So, I just play tetris friends after.
It is the coolest game ever.
It is competitive tetris.  Against people.  Very fun. So very fun.
So.  Ya. I'm so happy third term is over.  I have enjoyed it very very much... NOT.
Fourth term... I wait your loving embrace.
It started with a minimal day.
That's a good sign that it  will be awesome.

Friday, March 11, 2011

11th. The best day of the month.

Pretty much a Pleasant Grove thing.
I have only seen one other hart's in one other place.
At on this day, every month.
They hand out free drinks.
Yes. Free drinks.
Once I have a car, every 11th, I will be going down many times a day.
It is held because Test Out, some place on PG, I really don't know where it is..
But I am glad they have been in business for 20 years. That is why it is being held.
I love them.
I love free drinks.
I love deals.
I love PG.
I love Utah.
I love a lot of things...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Miss Mandi

Dear Miss Mandi. 
You are pretty much my favorite. 
I found out you have a blog. 
So, I have been reading it for the past few (lots) minutes. 
It is amazing. 
I like you cat. 
She is hot.
Have I told you I have always liked you?
You are pretty much my favorite person. 
You finger mustaches are the best. 
I plan on growing one for Mustache March.
I thank you for the gift I got for my 14th birthday. 
I still remember it. 
I think that is the only gift I have ever remembered. 
I just wanted you to know this. 
You will probably never read this.... 
But anyways. 
Have a good day Mandi. 
Love, Spencer.

Monday, March 7, 2011

And I never knew...

The past few days I have found out a lot of stuff. That I never knew.
I learned that math is very hard.
But when Mrs. Smithson is teaching it, it is much easier.
I also learned that my toe isn't too healthy.
A few days ago. It started to hurt...
Then it started to bleed.....
Then it started to secrete puss.
I went for a few days wondering what I had.
Then. My mother told me what I had.
The first paragraph pretty much sums up what I have felt/or had. Swelling. Pain. Redness.
Ya. It isn't pretty.
Then I was informed that sometimes you have to have a surgery to reverse it...
So. Darn. Excited.
After I found that out my mother told me to soak my foot in hot water.
And when I was soaking my foot.
I was watching this show.
Best.  Show. Ever.
I don't know why I haven't experienced this show earlier!
(Probably because I have never had cable...)
But yes.
This is, hands down, my second favorite cartoon.
Because nothing in the world can beat Spongebob Squarepants.
So. That is how my weekend went down.
I also went longboarding for the first time.
It was exciting.
I enjoyed it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'll be dope.

Today I finished my longboard.
I was making my longboard in woods.
I glued two plywood boards together and made a board.
I engraved a pictrue of a giraffe on it.
Most amazing thing in the world.
I bought some trucks and wheels, bearings, hardware and grip tape for it.
I won't be making any more purchases for a LONG time.
The total cost for this was...
In the hundreds...
*continue the durmroll....*
One hundred and fifty..... five.... dollars.
I thought that I would only cost not that much.
Maybe 70.
Only over double that.
But man, it is worth it.
The trucks are the pretty much best you can get
The wheels are sector 9, which are amazing, and they are blue.
Double win.
And it has a giraffe.
That is just the best.
So, when you see that kid riding down the street, with his wristguards and oversized helmet, (because I don't want to injure myself more that I have...)
That is me.
Attempting to be cool.
Tell me if it is working.