Saturday, October 16, 2010

This week from the eyes of Spencer Merryweather.

So.  This week.
I hearted this week.
Fall break.
Go team.
I quite like Fall break.
It makes me happy.
Yesterday, I owned at a volleyball game.
We won by a landslide.  (by default.)
But still.
Emilee Keele was the only one who showed up.
Besides me.
Sunday was 10/10/10
I made a wish at 10/10/10 10:10:10
I broke the rules.
Who cares about the 11:11 rule.
That's lame sause.
Next year, it will be 11/11/11 11:11:11
I will wish the most epic wish ever.
To get a date...
For a million dollars.
Yes.  A million dollars.
I learned in 275 days, I will be dateable.
Auctualy it will be in about 275 days plus 6 months.
I can't have friends in the car with me until 6 months after I get me permit.
Lame sause.
I shouted for joy.
Fall break started.
My mother left for Cali.
My Cuz got married.
On the beach.
Pretty nifty.
I went to the mall.
I supported breast cancer.
It was epic.
I saw people dress mannequins.
It was the best thing I saw ever.
I took a picture.
It was awesome.
They sell llamas at the Indian Shop.
That place is so cool.
I cleaned.
I mowed my lawn.
It looks amazing.
Very good looking.
Just like me.
After that I played Starcraft II
I own at that game.
Jill DeBuck felt my wrath.
She got powned.
Like a n00b.
When you see her.
You can make fun of her.
That was my week.
How did you spend yours.
Posted with Love.
Who ever wants to help me make my blog look attractive.
I'm all for it.
It looks lame.
So, bye.