Friday, January 28, 2011

Oops... Didn't mean to say that.

You know those times.
Where you say something, either when you were mad at someone, or were angry, or sad, ect. 
And you didn't mean to say it. 
Well. One time my mom was having one of those bad days. 
And she said something, that, hopefully, she didn't mean to say. 
I will tell you about this time. 
At the end of this post. 
You should laugh. 
Here we go. 

One day, a few years back. I was a 13 year old. 
I had lived for approximately 4745 days. Give or take a few hundred.
I was in the seventh grade. I had just taken up the instrument of cello. 
It is quite a cool instrument. 
And that is where we will start this story.
As some of you may know, when you first start an instrument, you are terrible. 
Especially if you are starting a string instrument.  Becuase you don't know how to make a good sound, and all that good stuff. 

So, me, not knowing how to play good, because, I was indeed... A noob. 
I sat down to practice my 25 minutes. That is what was required for a good grade in that class. 
And I started. 
And I sounded... horrid. 
My mom walks in, after probably dealing with a fight between my younger syblings. 
And she yells, and I QUOTE, "Spencer! Stop and racket. You sound like a DYING COW!"

Right there. 
Right there, I stood up, with a tear or two in my eye(s). 
(Sidney is standing there, the whole time, laughing. I am pretty sure she peed her pants.)
And I walked down in my room. 
And I think I cried. You would too if your mother told you you sounded like a dying animal.
So, she came down and apologized. I forgave her. But Sidney still teases me about sounding like that. 

Well, there is my funny story. 
Did you laugh?
That is pretty much my main goal in blogging. 
Brighten up peoples days, with laughter. 
From, Spencer